What makes a robot a robot? In the AlphaBot book, there is STEM backmatter including a brief explanation of the three key abilities of robots: to sense, think, and act. These three features make robots distinct from other machines, because of their ability to understand the world around them and to act upon it. What kind of robot might you invent? This free activity sheet invites kids to draw a picture of their robot and describe how it would sense, think, and act! Perhaps they will be inspired by some of the robot technology introduced in the book, or perhaps they will have new ideas of their own!
About the Book

Even the youngest robotocists will love flipping the flaps to create their own robot—while exploring a simple A to Z roundup of robotics terms.
Found your circuit-board head? Your voice-control torso? Your hydrojet feet? Hooray! You’ve made one of the 729 mix-and-match robots that are possible with this innovative flip-flap book. Alongside the bright and cheery illustrations of robot parts is a basic alphabetical listing of terms—from android to gears, neural network to program, wheels to Z-drive—and a basic definition of each. Printed on sturdy card stock to hold up to enthusiastic flap-turning, AlphaBot is full of appeal for young robot lovers, preschoolers who love machines, and anyone looking for STEM books for the younger set. Back matter includes a brief explanation of the three key abilities of robots: to sense, think, and act.
Available for pre-order! For personalized/signed copies, leave a comment at checkout with Linden Tree Books.
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