In Invent-a-Pet, Katie discovers a mysterious machine in her living room. But can she figure out the formula for her perfect pet? Download this free activity sheet to invite kids to create their own Invent-a-Pet, including the formula to make it!
This activity is fun for kids of all ages and easy to do with any drawing supplies you have on hand. It can also be done with digital drawing tools or physical craft materials!
Looking for more activities? Find lots more here!
The Book

Bunnies, pandas, and monkeys, oh my! For fans of Ada Twist, Scientist, this picture book about finding your perfect pet introduces basic STEAM and coding concepts—and some ridiculously adorable animals! Available wherever books are sold.
Katie is an ordinary girl who longs for an extraordinary pet—something more spectacular than a simple goldfish. Then one day Katie comes home to find a gift from her mother: a mysterious machine designed to help her create that one-of-a-kind creature. Each time she feeds different items into the machine, out comes a marvelously colorful new animal—like a purple monkey, rainbow-spotted horse, and green bunny! But none of them is just right. Through trial and error, Katie figures out the formula for her absolutely perfect SURPRISE pet.
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